ASME HPS:2003 pdf download


5307 Prnswe Vessel Operation
The operation of a pressure vessel will depend on its application and design, with consideration of the following:
The application of pressure will ‘vary according to the process and the available equipment but in general. operating cycles should he free of major pressure spikes. Such fluctuations. esen for milliseconds duration. may he detrimental to the equipment unless this ha’ been considered in the original pressure ‘vessel design.
thl Pressure-sensing des ices shall be provided to control pressure. The pressure-sensing equipment shall he located to ensure interpretation of the prn.sure actually espenence’J in the ‘vessel, Care shall he taken to mmnimnite all possible influences of associated equipnwnt or pressurizing media. These desices are estrenirly important to the safe operation of the system. They shall he maintained according to the standards andd or the Manufacturer’s Specification applicable for the indisidual .en’,or.
5308 Heating
(a) In sense appltcations. high pressure systems are used in conjunction with processes where heating of the pressurizing medium ii. achiesed by extemal or internal heat sources or chemical reaction Control of these heat sources is essential to saFe operation of tIme system.
(b) The temperature of all major high pressure consponents shall he monitored and controlled to present failure due to excessive temperature. especially where joints exist.
(c) The pressuri;ing medium, whether liquid or gas. will espand during heating. The design and operation of the system shall integrate the pressure sensing desice of the system with the control of temperature through alarms and interlocks that will warn, then reduce or shut off power to the heating sys-tem. to prevent an overpressure.