ASME A112.19.14:2001 pdf download

ASME A112.19.14:2001 pdf download.Six-Liter Water Closets Equipped With a Dual Flushing Device. Absorption
(a)Test Method. A six-sheet strip of the proposedtoilet paper shall be obtained. The paper shaii bewrapped snugly around a piece of 2 in.Schedule 40PvCpipe. The paper shali be slid off the pipe. Thetube of paper shall be grasped approximately halfwaydown its length and shall be turned inside out anddown over itself. This shall result in a ball approximately in. (51 mm) in diameter. The ball (straight edgesdown) shall be dropped into a pan of water. "1he timeit takes for the ball to become fully 'saturated and sinkbelow the water surface shall be recorded.
(b) Performance Requirement. The paper ball shallsink bclow the surfacc in less than 3 sec. Wet Tensile Strength
(a) Test Method.A 2 in. Schedule 40 PvC couplingand union nut shall be used as a frane to hold thetoilet paper for the wet tensile strength test. One sheetof the toilet paper on the coupling and the union nutshall be slid ovcr thc coupling. The frame shall beinverted and the paper shall be submcrgcd in watcrfor 5 sec. The frame shall then be removed from thewater and shall be returned to an upright position. A0.312 in.(8 mm) diameter steel bail weighing 6.3 ±0.1 g shali be placed in the center of the wet sheet.(bj Performance Requiremen. The shee( shail sup-port the steel ball without any evidence of tearing. Test Method. The four 2 in. to 3 in.(51 mm to 76 mm) balls of paper that comply withparas. and shail be dropped into thewaler directly above the well and shall be allowed towet out complelely. Within 5 see. after welting occurs,the bowi shail be flushec. This procedure shaii berepeated until three sets of data are obtained. Notewhether any paper is ieft in the bowl. Flush again andcollect any paper that discharges from the outlet. Performance Requirement. No papershall remain in the well after each initial flush.