ASME A112.20.2:2004 pdf download

ASME A112.20.2:2004 pdf download.Qualification of lnstallers of Firestop Systems and Devices for Piping Systems.

1.5 Recommended Guidelines for Firestop Contractors
Nonmandatory Appendix A provides wcommcnded guidelines fr fir top contractors.
2.1 Laws. Codes, Rules. Listing Agencies, and Regulations
The qualified firestop systems installer shall be able to identify and demonstrate knowledge of the applicable laws. codes, rules, listing agencies. and regulations from the federal, state, and local levels related to the scope of this Standard.
2.2 Basic Concepts
The qualified firestop systems installer shall be able to identify and describe the basic concepts pertaining to fire dynamics
(b) lirestopping
(C) piping systems
(d) compartmentation and protection of structural elements
2.3 NotIfications
The qualified firestop systems installer shall be able to identify and describe the actions that take place pnor to and after installing and testing a firestop systen1 including
(a) notification to proper authorities (authority ha%’ing jurisdiction)
(b) notification to job inspector
(C) notification to premise owners
(d) notification to the architect/engineer of record
3.1 Major Components
The qualified firestop systems installer shall be able to identify the major components of firestop material and systems as defined by the listing directories of appropriate third party certification organizations.
3.2 ApplIcation
The qualified firestop systems installer shall be able to identify and describe the proper application of firestop systems with respect to
(a) model building codes requirements
(b) design on approved plans and specifications
(c) fire resistance ratings of assemblies being penetrated.