ASME A112.20.1:2004 pdf download

ASME A112.20.1:2004 pdf download.Qualification of lnstallers of High Purity Piping Systems.

7.1 Overview
Certification to this Standard shall be through an ISO! IEC 17024 ANSI accredited third party certifier. Certification shall include the successful completion of a minimum number of hours of training appropriate for the level of qualification outlined in paras. 1.2 and 7 of this Standard that includes a written and a practical examination covering all facets of this Standard.
7.2 PractIcal Experience
7.2.1 Level 4. The qualified I.evel 4 high purity piping system installer shall have a minimum of four years of documented practical experience (recognized by the ANSI third party certifier) in the installation of piping systems.
7.2.2 Level S. The qualified I.evel 5 high purity piping system installer shall have an additional two years of documented practical experience (recognized by the ANSI third party certifier) in the high purity field.
7.3 Recertification of High Purity Piping System Installers
All levels of high purity installer certification shall be renewed at a minimum of every five years. Recertification shall include a written and practical examination covering all facets of the latest edition of this Standard.
7.4 Metallic Welding Qualifications
Each welding procedure, welder, or welding operator shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, as specified in ASME B31.i and ASME B31.3, In addition, each orbital welding operator shall qualify separately on the smallest and largest size to be welded in production, by a visual examination of exterior and interior surfaces by the QAR(Quality Assurance Representative).