ASME A90.1:2003 pdf download


4.6.1 Bottom Landing. At the bottom landing, the clear area shall be a minimum of 30 in. (750 mm) wide directly in front of the belt on both the up- and down- sides. A side landing area is not required at the bottom landing. Any wall in front of the down-running side of the belt shaH be not less than 48 in. (1 220 mm) frorri the face of the belt. This space shaH not be encroached upon by stairs or ladders (see Fig. 6).
If a dismounting platform is used, the edge of this platform should be in line with the outer edge of the openings at the upper floors.
4.6.2 Location of Bottom Pulley. The bottom pulley shall be installed so that it is supported by the lowest floor served; ot. where It is necessary to gain required clearance (see pars. 4,3.1), it may be located in a pit below the lowest floor served. Where a pit is used or a dismounting platform is provided, two safety stops shall be installed on the down-run to stop the manlift in case the step is ridden past the dismounting level (refer to pars. 53.2) Where no pit is used, a dismounting platform on the down-side is not required (see Fig. 7) When a pit is used or a dismounting platform is provided, the dismounting level shall be at or above the point at which the upper surface of the descending step is in the horizontal position and the step has not contacted the bottom safety stops prior to beginning its turn PIt opening or floor plate, if used, shall conform with pars. 4.11.
4.6.3 Motinthng Ptattorm. A mounting platform shall be provided in front of the up-run at the lowest landing. unless the floor level is such that the following requirement can be met the floor or platform shall be at or above the point at which the upper surface of the ascending step completes It turn and assumes a hon zorital position.