ASME A112.19.19:2006 pdf download

ASME A112.19.19:2006 pdf download.Vitreous China Nonwater Urinals.

sanitary: for the purposes of this Standard, indicates an aesthetic condition of cleanliness., not microbiologically clean.
segregat ton: more than the allowable number of defects in a pottery square.
speck: an area of contrasting color less than 2 in. (1 mm) in maximum dimension. Specks less than / in. (0.3 mm) in maximum dimension, unless in sufficient number to form a discoloration, are not counted.
spot: an area of contrasting color 1/32 in. (1 mm) up to and inclLlding in. (3 mm) in maximum dimension.
spot (large): an area of contrasting color greater thait in. (3 mm) in maximum dimension.
trap: a fitting, device, or integral fixture portion so designed and constructed as to provide a liquid seal that will prevent the hack-passage of sewer gas without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through it.
trap dip: the highest point of the opening from the well into the trapway.
trap seal depth: the vertical depth of ‘iquid between the highest part of the lower interior surface of a trap and the trap weir.
trim: parts other than china regularly supplied with a fixture, e.g., wall hangers. Trim shall not include fittings (see ASME A112.19.5).
urinal: a plumbing fixture that receives only liquid body wastes and conveys the waste through a trap seal into a gravity drainage system.
visible after installation: any surlace that remains visible after the fixture has been installed, not necessarily from a normal standing position.
visible surface: the surface that is readily visible to an observer in a normal standing position after installation of the fixture.