ASME B16.12:2009 pdf download

ASME B16.12:2009 pdf download.Cast lron Threaded Drainage Fittings.

Each fitting shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trademark in accordance with the requirements of MSS Standard Practice No. SP-25.
4.1 Castings
The dimensions prescribed in this Standard (Tables 3 through 13) are based on gray iron castings of high quality produced under regular control of chemical and physical properties by a recognized process. The manufacturer shall be prepared to certify that the product has been so produced and that its chemical and physical properties, as proved 1w test specimens, are equal to the requirements specified in ASTM A 126, Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings.
4.2 OptIonal Material
Drainage fittings are regularly made of cast iron. At the option of the manufacturer, drainage fittings may be furnished of malleable iron complying with the minimum physical requirements of ASTM A 197, Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron.
5.1 Dimensions
Dimensions in SI (metric) units are given in Tables 3 through 13 for various types of fittings. Those dimension.s are the standard. Corresponding US. Customary values are given in Tables 11-3 through 11-13 in Mandatory Appendix 11. Some dimensions of steel pipe from ASME B36.IOM are listed for convenience in Nonmandatory Appendix B in inches only. Tolerances applicable to dimensions of fittings are specified in paras. 5.2 through 5.6.