BS 4729:2005 pdf download.Clay and calcium silicate bricks of special shapes and sizes— Recommendations.
When determining the specification of bricks, only the physical properties that will be of significance in thefinished brickwork shouid be considered and specified.Specification of properties that are not essential canrestrict the choice of brick offered.Specifiers should pay particular attention to the clauses referred to inthe normative references(Clause 2) in order to assess the significance of each property and the need tospecify it.
The following information should be considered when ordering bricks:a) product name or colour and texture (see 3.4);
b) type number and description, right or left hand (if relevant, see 3.5), e.g.BN.3 single bullnose stop,right hand;
c) faced surfaces (see 3.3);
d) durability requirements.Bricks of special shapes that are to be used in positions where they are liableto be saturated and subject to freeze/thaw cycling, e.g. in parapets, copings, cappings, and sills need tobe suitably durable.Specifiers should consult with manufacturers or suppliers regarding the suitabilityof the bricks for use in such exposed positions.
In addition:
1) for freeze/thaw resistance of high density (HD) clay bricks, see 5.3.6 and B.3 ofBS EN 771-1:2003+A1:2005, and Annex D of this standard;
2) for freeze/thaw resistance of calcium silicate bricks, see 5.7 of BS EN 771-2:2003+A1:2005;
3) for guidance on the use of bricks and mortars in positions of varying degrees of exposure, seeTable 13 of BS 5628-3:2001;
3) for guidance on the use of bricks and mortars in positions of varying degrees of exposure, seeTable 13 of BS 5628-3:2001;
e) requirements for structural use. See BS EN 771-1:2003+A1:2005, and BS 5628-1 and 2;
f) where products are to be used other than in the orientation described in this standard, a drawingshowing the proposed application should be included with the order to allow the implications for
manufacture to be considered,e.g.the effect of perforation patterns if the brick is to be used in a situationwhere it is structurally loaded perpendicular to the line of the perforations;
g) any special requirement not covered by this standard, e.g.position of any perforations and holes(see 3.1), or acid-resistance.