BS 6000-2:2005 pdf download

BS 6000-2:2005 pdf download.Guide to the selection and usage of acceptance sampling systems for inspection of discrete items in lots - Part 2: Guide to sampling by attributes.

2The selection process
The task of selecting a suitable sampling system, scheme or plan is influenced by production and marketingconditions. In addition, the economics of the sampling system, the resources of the inspection organizationand other aspects need to be considered. Therefore, the selection process becomes complex and rarely isthere one method of acceptance sampling that fits all situations even though they might appear to besimilar.
Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3, together with Figure 1 and Figure 2, illustrate the process of selecting asampling system, scheme or plan. The tables provide “candidate”sampling systems, schemes and plans tofit given inspection situations, production conditions and market conditions, respectively.The methodsuggested is to review Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 and to select as many“candidate plans”as fit thesituation. These candidates should then be reviewed through Figure 1 or Figure 2 so that the user finallyarrives at a system, scheme or plan that is most feasible and economical for the situation.
The initial selection decisions are for long and short production runs, isolated lots, and attribute orvariables sampling; these decisions will point to one or more possible sampling schemes specified instandards.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 are not flow charts. They show, in summary form, the procedures contained withineach standard for arriving at a sampling system, scheme or plan.The summaries are listed side by side,which allows direct comparison between them. The solid connecting lines indicate the primary course to befollowed in choosing and operating a standard; the broken lines indicate alternatives. These alternativesare applicable only under certain conditions.Text references and notes to the figures are given for guidancein following these procedures. The standards and procedures near the bottom of each of the two figures arefor use when economy of average sample size is an important consideration.
The procedure presented in Figure 1 is applicable when production is continuous and there are more than10 lots of product undergoing inspection.Standards from the BS 6001 series are included here as “candidate" systems.