BS EN ISO 3665:2013 pdf download.Photography —Intra-oraldental radiographic film and film packets —Manufacturer specifications.
5.2.7 Base plus fog density at the point of manufacture
Base plus fog density of the film shall be no greater than 0,25.
NOTE This requirement applies only to the manufacturer of the flm. The manufacturer shall retain testing data andresults, should national bodies require verification for audit purposes.
5.2.8 Film expiry date
The manufacturer shall use a maximum base plus fog density of 0,40 to set the expiry date of the film.NOTE A manufacturer's recommended monobath process may produce an increase in fog value of 0,05.
5.3 Packet requirements
5.3.1 General
Each packet shall contain one or more sheets of radiographic film, together with the components that limit fimbending and provide a light-tight enclosure.
When X-ray attenuation is provided by an internal mechanism, a sheet of lead foil or other material withequivalent X-ray attenuation characteristics shall be included in each packet.
lf attenuation is provided by an external mechanism, this shall be clearly stated on the package and therecommended method shall be included in the instructions for use.
The covering of the packets shall have high visibility under the recommended safelight illumination.
The edges of the packets should be smoothly rounded and sufficiently blunt to avoid discomfort to the patient.Each packet shall be provided with a means for easily unwrapping film.
lf present, the lead foil or equivalent material shall be positioned on that side of the film intended to face awayfrom the radiation source.A material other than lead shall provide the same level of attenuation.
NOTE 1 The lead foil of 0,038 mm or equivalent material provides protection from back scatter radiation to allow19 lp/mm.Thicker foils can be used but do not provide any significant improvement in image quality or shielding.
NOTE 2 Alternatively, a radiopaque number on the front of each packet can be used to indicate exposure technique error on a processed film.