BS EN ISO 4230:2016 pdf download

BS EN ISO 4230:2016 pdf download.Hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies for taper pipe threads —Rseries.

BS EN ISO 4230 is a supplement to lS0 2568 and lSo 4231 and specifies the dimensionsof hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies intended for production of taper pipe threads,R series, in accordance with ISO 7-1.
with the exception of the die 1/16, the general dimensions of these dies (diameter, thickness and fixingdimensions) are in accordance with IS0 2568so as to permit the driving of hand-operated dies with theaid of the die stocks defined in that document.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and areindispensable for its application. For dated references,only the edition cited applies.For undatedreferences, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2568,Hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies and hand-operated die stocks
3 Dimensions
The general dimensions are shown in Figure 1 and given in Table 1.