BS EN ISO 4254-7:2014 pdf download

BS EN ISO 4254-7:2014 pdf download.Agricultural machinery - Safety Part 7: Combine harvesters, forage harvesters and cotton harvesters.

compacting device
elements for compacting the harvested material on a mobile cotton harvester
container used to receive, hold, compact and unload harvested cotton crop material
device for separating trash from harvested cotton material on a mobile cotton harvester
portion of the combine/forage harvester or cotton harvester comprising the mechanism for gathering,cutting. stripping or picking up the crop
operator's work station
location on the machine that encompasses the driver's position
4 Safety requirements and/or protective/risk reduction measures for all ma-chines
4.1.1 Machinery shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective /risk reduction measuresof this clause.
4.1.2 ln addition, the machine shall be designed according to the principles of Iso 12100:2010 forrelevant but not significant hazards which are not dealt with by this document.
4.1.3 Except where otherwise specified in this part of IS0 4254, the machine shall be in accordancewith lSo 4254-1.
4.2.1 Location and identification of controls Controls such as steering wheels or steering levers, gear levers, control levers, cranks,pedalsand switches shall be chosen, designed, constructed and arranged according to the following:
a)Their locations and method of operation shall be in accordance with lSO 15077.
b) Unless otherwise specified in this part of lS0 4254,the controls referred to in A.3.1,A.3.2 and A.3.3
shall be located within hand and foot reach of the operator in the operator's work station.The locations for all other controls shall be in accordance with ISO 15077.