BS 7499:2020 pdf download

BS 7499:2020 pdf download.Provision of static guarding security services - Code of practice.

5 Resources
5.1 Premises
The organization should follow the ri,t-ommendations given In KS 10800:2020,7.4,
5.2 Control room
5.2.1 Design, construction and layout
The organization should follow the recommendations given in KS 10800:2020.7.5.
The organization should determine the design, construction, layout and equipment requirements for its control rooms. The requirements should respond to the needs of staff using these facilities (e. accessibility), The level oldesign, construction, layout and equipment should be directly related to risks associated with customer contracts.
Where control rooms are outsourced. the organization should confirm that the control room(s) conform to BS 10800:2020. 7.5 and .ire fit for purpose.
5.2.2 Location within a secure facility
Control rooms should be situated within premises owned or leased by the organization, and to which the organization has access at all tlmes The control room should be within a soundly constructed building and, if not continuously stalled, should be protected by a remotely monitored intruder alarm conforming to PD 6662 and BS EN 50131-I. Where there isa shared occupancy, the intruder alarm system for the control room should be under this sole control of the organization
5.2.3 Control room procedures
A control room manual should be provided to control room staff, which gives procedural Instructions. The control room manual should enable control room staff to deal electively with routine matters and emergencies. The manual should clearly Indicate the stages at which an incident should be escalated by the controller to more senior staff or to the customer. A copy of the control room manual should be readily available within the control room at all times.