BS 7212:2006 pdf download

BS 7212:2006 pdf download.Code of practice for the safe use of construction hoists.

a) hazards arwrig from unauthorized or mappropnate use, or from nilsuac, of the hoist;
b) hazard.s arising from unauthorized modifications, alterations or a(kIitioIls Lu the hoist;
c) hazards arising from overloading of the carrier:
d) hazards arising from inappropriate loading of the earner e.g. eccentric loading, unsecured loading, point loading, loads protruding outside the confines of the carrier;
e) tools, materials, etc. falling from, or on to, the platfonu;
f) moving parts of the hoist which coUld strike ii jwrsoii or in whieh they could become trapped or entangled;
g) moving parts of the hoist which could trap a iwrson between the hoist and a fixed obstruction such as the building or a piece of scaffolding:
h) the carrier being stuck in a raised position due, for example, to a power or control circuit failure, which could result in a person being stranded on it:
i) uncontrolled ascent or descent of the carrier:
J) exposed live electrical conductors;
k) hazards arising from failure to operate, maintain or inspect the hoist In accordiutce with the mamifaernrer’s instructions;
I) environmental hazards such as low lighting levels, extremes of temperature, rain and wind.
In addition, users of a hoist and persons carrying out maintenance are at risk of slipping, tripping or falling when on the carrier or at the landings, of failing from a Landing onto the hoistway and of falling from the platform during the loading or unloading of goods.
6 Management of the hoist installation
6.1 General
The hoist installation coiliprises all parts of the hoist including the drive nwchanisms, safety mechanisms, mast and tie arrangements, access to the landings, and hoisiway protection at the landings Including landing gates, hoistway protection at landing interfaces and at levels where there are no landings, and the base enclosure.
It is essential that the erection, modification and dismantling, thorough examination, operation and maintenance of a hoist Installation are properly planned, appropriately supervised and carried out in a safe manner. Once the hazards have been identified (see Clause 5), the risks should be evaluated and, where reasonably practicable, significant hazards eliminated. The risks from any remaining significant hazards should be reduced to an acceptable level by the implementation and management of control measures as part of the planning process (see Clause 9).