BS EN 869:2006 pdf download

BS EN 869:2006 pdf download.Safety of machinery —Safety requirements for pressure metal diecasting units.

5.2 Mechanical
5.2.1 General
Guards and protective devices shall be designed according to EN ISO 12100 parts I and 2 and EN 953, The safety distances shall be in accordance with Table 2 and Table 4 of EN 294:1992. EN 349 and EN 999. Guards and protective devices shall be designed so that they do not themselves cause hazaros.
If a guard is power operated t shall not create a trap. Either the power provided shall be insufficient to cause rijury ii the event of trapping, or the guards shall be provided according to EN 1760-2 with a trip devce at Its leading edge to prevent injury. Actuation of the trip device shall stop or reverse the direction of movement of the movable guard. The trip device shall comply with at least category 1 of EN 954.1:1996.
5.2.2 Guards and protectiv, devices for die area (see also 5.4.1)
52.2.1 Access from front and back of the machine to the die area, shall be prevented by movable guards and, if necessary. with supplementary fixed guards in order to avoid Injuries caused by movements, e. g.. of the die, the core pullers and die sprayers (see Figure A.8). Persons shall be prevented from staying between the guard and the machine frame when the guards are closed.
Suitable measures are (see Figure A.8):
a) reduction of the distance between movable guards and the machine frame to max. 100 mm. The protective effect shall be achieved by the shape of the lower part of the guard itself over the whole length of the guard (see Item 1 in Figure A.8) or by shaping the front edge of the guard so that during opening and closing never the distance of 100 mm is exceeded;
b) movable guards and supplementary protectIve devices whIch shall protect the area between the guard and the machine frame against persons getting behind the guard, if the distance between the guards and the machine frame exceeds 100 mm (see left-hand side of Figure A.8).