BS EN ISO 636:2015 pdf download

BS EN ISO 636:2015 pdf download.Welding consumablesRods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels-Classification. 7 Rounding procedure For the purposes of determining compliance with the requiremen...


BS EN IEC 63093-9:2020 pdf download

BS EN IEC 63093-9:2020 pdf download.Ferrite cores- Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities Part 9: Planar cores. 5.4Cracks Different cracks are shown in Figure 10,Figure 11 and Figure 12. In principle three differ...


BS EN IEC 63093-1:2020 pdf download

BS EN IEC 63093-1:2020 pdf download.Ferrite cores Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities Part 1: General specification. 5.2 Mating surfaces These surfaces are generally ground in order to limit the residual air gap...


BS EN IEC 63078:2020 pdf download

BS EN IEC 63078:2020 pdf download.Installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing Test methods for induction through-heating installations. The cold state tests shall be undertaken after manufacture or repair as well as durin...


BS EN IEC 63077:2019 pdf download

BS EN IEC 63077:2019 pdf download.Good refurbishment practices for medical imaging equipment. 4.2 Resource management The REFURBISHER shall determine, and provide adequate resources,including:trained and qualified personal; maintained and ca...


BS EN IEC 63041-2:2018 pdf download

BS EN IEC 63041-2:2018 pdf download.Piezoelectric sensors Part 2: Chemical and biochemical sensors. 3.2Types of chemical and biochemical sensors3.2.1 piezoelectric chemical sensor element piezoelectric sensor component including a sensitive...


BS EN IEC 62961:2018 pdf download

BS EN IEC 62961:2018 pdf download.Insulating liquids -Test methods for the determination of interfacial tension of insulating liquids - Determination with the ring method. To obtain exact values for surface or interfacial tension, it is ne...


BS EN IEC 62919:2018 pdf download

BS EN IEC 62919:2018 pdf download.Content management - Monitoring and management of personal digital content. 5 Requirements 5.1 General Users register their user IDs and their devices with a central server or a cloud server. User IDand devi...


BS EN IEC 62812:2019 pdf download

BS EN IEC 62812:2019 pdf download.Low resistance measurements -Methods and guidance. The raised temperature on the unknown resistor due to self-heating not only affects thespecimen, but also spreads the heat to the test assembly or mounting...


BS EN IEC 60974-5:2019 pdf download

BS EN IEC 60974-5:2019 pdf download.Arc welding equipment Part 5: Wire feeders. 3.2 filler wire supply source of filler wire and means for dispensing filler wire to the feeding mechanism [SOURCE: IEC 60050-851:2008,851-14-45] 3.3 liner repla...
