ISO 10711-2012 pdf download.lntelligent Transport Systems - Interface Protocol and Message Set Definition between Traffic Signal Controllers and Detectors.
If and when the traffic signal controller transmits detector data to a higher level system (outside of the scope ci this International Standard), it should use the derived detector ID that is unique within the full scope of the traffic signal operation.
5.2.2 Request and response
The protocol of this International Standard supports event-driven, request-response and penodic data
exchange methods,
5.3 Detector classification
5.3.1 Managing multi-detector environments
The protocol supports the ability for a traffic signal controller to communicate with multiple detector controllers. In such a model, the traffic signal controller does not receive a constant analogue stream, but rather receives packets of data that managed on a cyclical basis.
5.3,2 Occupancy based detector
An occupancy based detector controller is able to report occupancy rate and vehicle speed to the traffic signal control system by determining the percent of time the sensor is detecting a vehicle. The information is used for calculating signal phases, However, if an occupancy based detector on the roadway has its own digital communication capability, then It can be regarded as a detector controller, These detector controllers are then linked sequentially with the traffic signal controller.
Any sensor that can detect vehicle presence can be used as an occupancy based detector, For example:
Loop Square, Loop Rectangle. Loop Circle, Magnetic, Ultrasonic, Laser. Infra-red, Microwave.
5.2.2 Request and response
The protocol of this International Standard supports event-driven, request-response and penodic data
exchange methods,
5.3 Detector classification
5.3.1 Managing multi-detector environments
The protocol supports the ability for a traffic signal controller to communicate with multiple detector controllers. In such a model, the traffic signal controller does not receive a constant analogue stream, but rather receives packets of data that managed on a cyclical basis.
5.3,2 Occupancy based detector
An occupancy based detector controller is able to report occupancy rate and vehicle speed to the traffic signal control system by determining the percent of time the sensor is detecting a vehicle. The information is used for calculating signal phases, However, if an occupancy based detector on the roadway has its own digital communication capability, then It can be regarded as a detector controller, These detector controllers are then linked sequentially with the traffic signal controller.
Any sensor that can detect vehicle presence can be used as an occupancy based detector, For example:
Loop Square, Loop Rectangle. Loop Circle, Magnetic, Ultrasonic, Laser. Infra-red, Microwave.