ISO 16333:2011 pdf download

ISO 16333:2011 pdf download.Heavy commercial vehicles and buses —Steady-state rollover threshold —Tilt-table test method.

5 Variables
The following variables shall be determmed:
a) wheel lift at each axle (s)
b) tilt angle at each axle of the vehicle.
Alternatively, wtere it is independently assured that all values of y, are within a range of ± 0,1’, tilt angle (t) shall be determined.
Some or all of the following vanables should be determined, wi order to aid In analysing the vehicle’s behaviour:
— roll angle(s) relative to the tilt-table surface at relevant positions on the sprung rnass(es); roll angle(s) relative to the tilt-table surface of unsprung mass(es);
lateral suspension deftections; tyre defleclions;
— air-spnng pressures;
— lateral deflections of relevant elements of the chassis or payload.
It is also recommended that the data record wiclude event markers to indicate the occurrence of significant
events of interest, e.g. the transition through spring lash.
6 Measuring equipment
6.1 General
Measurement and recording equipment shall be in accordance with ISO 15037-2.
6.2 DescrIption
All variables shall be measured by means of appropriate transducers, whose time histories should be recorded by a multi-channel recording system. Typical operatrig ranges and recommended maximum en-on of the transducer recordmg systems for the variables not listed in ISO 15037-2 are shown in Table 1.