ISO 17932:2011 pdf download

ISO 17932:2011 pdf download.Palm oil-Determination of the deterioration of bleachability index(DOBl) and carotene content.

6.1 Spectrometer. capable of operating In the ultravioletand visible range and using 10mm (1 cm) pathlength quarlz cells and preferably having a recording instrument,
Before use, it is recommended that the wavelength and absorbance scales of the spectrometer be checked as follows.
a) Wavelength scale: This may be checked using a reference material consisting of an optical glass filter containing holmium oxide which has distinct absorption bands. The reference material is designed for the verification and calibration of the wavelength scales of visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometers having nominal spectral bandwidths of 5 nm or less. The holmium glass filter is measured in the absorbance mode against an air blank over the wavelength range of 640 nm to 240 nm. For each spectral bandwidth (0,10 —0.25 — 0,50 — 1,00 — 1,50 — 2,00 and 3,00), a baseline correction is performed with an empty cell holder. The wavelengths of the spectral bandwidth are listed in the certificate of the reference material1 l All procedures shall be implemented in accordance with ISO! IEC 17025 and ISO Guide 34.