ISO 18308:2011 pdf download.Health informatics — Requirements foran electronic health record architecture.
5.3 ClInical practice objectives
CPO1 The EHR should fulfil the primary roles of the health record: supporting the ongoing heatthcare of subjects of care and providing evidence of healthcare
CPO2 The EHR should be able to represent and persist or reference any information relevant to the health and healthcare of a subiect of care.
CPO3 The EHR should represent information in a manner that facilitates the safe and effective delivery of healthcare.
CPO4 The EHR should enable the inclusion of health record entries about a subject of care, preserving the way in wtiich they are originally organized as well as enabling re-organization and retrieval of information in a manner that is specitc to different types of healthcare prnviders and care contexts.
CPO5 The EHR should enable information in a record to be organized and retrieved in a manner that additionally faclktates permitted uses other than direct care.
CPO6 The EHR should be flexible enough to allow for individual and professional variations in the interpretation of health and illness,
CPO7 The EHR should be flexible enough to allow for regional, national and cultural variations in health expectations and healthcare.
CPO8 The EHR and EHRA should be flexible enough to allow for future evolution In the understanding of health and for Innovations in healthcare. such as new forms of clinical knowledge, new clinical disciplines, and new clinical practices and processes.
5.4 Citizen inclusion objectives
ClOl Subjects of care and their representatives should be able to contribute to and view their own health record, as active participants in their own healthcare. The HR should enable systems to:
— support individuals to understand the subject of cares health status, health issues, plans and goals;
— support individuals in choosing appropriate treatments, in the self-management of health issues and the assessment of outcomes.
CPO1 The EHR should fulfil the primary roles of the health record: supporting the ongoing heatthcare of subjects of care and providing evidence of healthcare
CPO2 The EHR should be able to represent and persist or reference any information relevant to the health and healthcare of a subiect of care.
CPO3 The EHR should represent information in a manner that facilitates the safe and effective delivery of healthcare.
CPO4 The EHR should enable the inclusion of health record entries about a subject of care, preserving the way in wtiich they are originally organized as well as enabling re-organization and retrieval of information in a manner that is specitc to different types of healthcare prnviders and care contexts.
CPO5 The EHR should enable information in a record to be organized and retrieved in a manner that additionally faclktates permitted uses other than direct care.
CPO6 The EHR should be flexible enough to allow for individual and professional variations in the interpretation of health and illness,
CPO7 The EHR should be flexible enough to allow for regional, national and cultural variations in health expectations and healthcare.
CPO8 The EHR and EHRA should be flexible enough to allow for future evolution In the understanding of health and for Innovations in healthcare. such as new forms of clinical knowledge, new clinical disciplines, and new clinical practices and processes.
5.4 Citizen inclusion objectives
ClOl Subjects of care and their representatives should be able to contribute to and view their own health record, as active participants in their own healthcare. The HR should enable systems to:
— support individuals to understand the subject of cares health status, health issues, plans and goals;
— support individuals in choosing appropriate treatments, in the self-management of health issues and the assessment of outcomes.