ISO 10619-3:2011 pdf download

ISO 10619-3:2011 pdf download.Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing —— Measurement of flexibility and stiffness — Part 3: Bending tests at high and low temperatures.

4.1.2 Pair of twin channet-stiaped hOlders, fitted with end stops for the hose test pieces (see Figure 1).
4.1.3 Thermostatically controlled environmental chamber, which can be fitted to the testing machine with the provision for access to enable the external diameter of the hose to be measured.
4.2 Hose test pieces
421 Types and dimensions
The test shall be carried out on two hose pieces (one set), of equal length, of the hose or tubing under test, The length of the hose lest pieces depends on the dimensions of the hose lest piece holders and shall be 2 G + 0.5 1T(C.D). where G is the length of the hose test piece holders (see Figure 1) and C is twice the minamum bend radius specified in the appropnate specification. In no case shall the hose test pieces come into contaci with the walls of the chamber and the length, L, shall always be less than the length of the enclosure.
4.2.2 Number of hose test pieces
Unless otherwise specified, three sets of tests shall be carried out (one set being two hose test pieces).
4.3 Conditioning of hose test pieces
No test shall be carried out within 24 h of manufacture,
For evaluations which are intended to be comparable, the test shall, as far as possible. be carried out after the same time interval after manufacture, The time between sample manufacture and testing shall be in conformity with ISO 23529.
Before testing. the hose test pieces shall be conditioned in the straight condition or conforming to their natural curvature for 5 h In the environmental chamber (4.1.3) at the specified temperature (see 4.4).
4.4 Test temperature
The test temperature is specified in the appropriate hose specification.