BS ISO 16000-3:2011 pdf download

BS ISO 16000-3:2011 pdf download.Indoor air Part 3: Determination of formaldehyde andother carbonyl compounds in indoor air and test chamber air — Active sampling method.

6.2 Sample preparation
6.2.1 Cartridge containers. e.g. borosibcate ass culture tubes (20mm 125 mm) with polypropylene screw caps. or other suitable containers, to transport coated cartridges.
62.2 Polyethylene gloves, to handle silica gel cartridges.
62.3 Transportation containers, friction-top metal cans (e.g. of volume 4 I) or other suitable containers. with polyethylene air-bubble packing or other suitable padding, to hold and cushion the sealed cartridge containers.
NOTE A heat-sealable toll-lined plastc pouch of the type included with some commercial pre-coaled ONPI-I cartridges can be used for stomg a DNPI-l-coated cartndge after sampling, if appropriate.
62.4 Support for coating cartridges. A syringe rack, made from an aluminium plate (0,16cm 36cm 53 cm) with adjustable legs on four corners. A matrix (5 9) of circular holes of diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the 10 ml syflnges, symmetrically dfllled from the centre of the plate, to enable batch processing 0(45 cartridges for cleaning, coating and/or sample elution (see Figure 3).
6.2.5 Cartridge-drying manifold, such as a support with gas connectors and with multiple standard male syringe connectors (see Figure 3).
NOTE The apparatus specified in 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 is needed orgy ii users choose to make their own DNPH-coated cartridges.
6.3 Sample analysis
6.3.1 HPLC system, consisting of:
a) a mobile phase reservoir with an outgassing device (e.g. menane under reduced pressure):
b) a high-pressure pump;
C) an injection valve (automatic sampler with a 25 p1 or other convenient loop volume):
d) a C.18 reverse phase (RP) column (e.g. 25cm 4.6 mm inside diameter. 5 pm particle size):
e) a UV detector or diode array detector operating at 360 nm;
f) a data system or strip chart recorder.
The DNPH-tormaldehyde derivative is determined using isocralic reverse phase HPtC, equipped with an ultraviolet (UV) absorption detector operated at 360 nm. A blank cartridge is likewise desorbed arid analysed. Formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds in the sample are identified and quantified by comparIson of their retention times and peak heights or peak areas with those of standard solutions.