ISO 9836:2011 pdf download

ISO 9836:2011 pdf download.Performance standards in building-Definition and calculation of area and space indicators.

5.1.1 Calculation principles Surfaces which are horizontal or vertical are measured by their actual cmensions. For calculations of area and space, inclined planes are measured by their vertical projection onto an (imaginary) horizontal plane or vertical plane as appropriate. For calculations of heat gain or loss, the actual exposed surface area shall be used instead of the protected area.
51.1.2 The surface area5 are expressed in square metres. to two decimal places.
5.1.2 Covered area The covered area is the area of ground covered by buildings in their finished state. The covered area is determined by the vertical projection of the external dimensions of the building onto the ground
The following are not included in covered area:
— construction or parts of construction not proectlng above the surface of the ground.
— secondary components, e.g. external staircases, external ramps, canopies, horizontal sun-shields, roof overhangs. street lighting:
— the areas of outdoor facilities. e.g. greenhouses and outbouses.
5.1.3 Total floor area The total floor area of a bLalding is the total area of all floor levels. Floor levels may be storeys which are either completely or partially under the ground. storeys above ground, attics, terraces, roof terraces, service floors or storage floors (see Figure 1).
It is necessary to distinguish between:
a) floor areas which are enclosed and covered on all sides:
b) floor areas which are not enclosed on all sides up to their full height, but which are covered, such as recessed balconies;
c) floor areas which are contained within components (eg. parapets, fascias, hand-rails), but which are not covered, such as open balconies.