BS ISO 24631-6:2011 pdf download.Radio frequency identification of animals art 6: Representation of animal identification information (visual display/data transfer).
The retagging counter value, user information field value and value representing the additional information fields shall be separated by a space. The value representing the additional information fields shall be indicated using three digits (e.g. 000).
Transceivers are allowed to display additional information, for example that available In the transceiver memory, and can be used for management purposes
Users may optionally switch a transceiver to a mode where the information is displayed In formats different from those described in this part of ISO 24631.
EXAMPLE A farmer who uses a transceiver for process control on his farm may only be interested In the last four or five digits of the ID code
4.3 Transmission of information by a communication link (induding optional time stamp)
Transceivers that have the ability to communicate the animal code in accordance with ISO 11784 by a communication link (e.g. R5232 or USB) shall communicate the information in the ASCII format as presented in Figure 4. Every line starts with STX (0x02, start of text).
Transceivers are allowed to display additional information, for example that available In the transceiver memory, and can be used for management purposes
Users may optionally switch a transceiver to a mode where the information is displayed In formats different from those described in this part of ISO 24631.
EXAMPLE A farmer who uses a transceiver for process control on his farm may only be interested In the last four or five digits of the ID code
4.3 Transmission of information by a communication link (induding optional time stamp)
Transceivers that have the ability to communicate the animal code in accordance with ISO 11784 by a communication link (e.g. R5232 or USB) shall communicate the information in the ASCII format as presented in Figure 4. Every line starts with STX (0x02, start of text).