BS ISO 10667-1:2011 pdf download.Assessment service delivery— Procedures and methods to assess people in work and organizational settings Part 1: Requirements for the client.
0.5 Types of assessment covered by ISO 10667
ISO 10667 covers procedures and methods for the following types of assessment.
a) Individual level assessment. Examples include interviews. career guidance. in-depth senior executive coaching. personal development, selection, success.on planning.
b) Group level assessrneflt, Examples include improving team morale and performance assessment aimed at improving the performance of the team as a whole.
c) Organizational level assessment Examples include employee satisfaction (data reported at organizational level), culture change due to merger or acquisition, employee engagement levels of organizational business units
ISO 10667 covers delivery of assessments that occur across the employment life cycle.
Aspects of the employment life cycle can be described in terms of:
— recruitment and selection;
— careertvocational guidance;
— mid-life career change or re-integration into me workforce;
— personal development and coaching;
— promotion and succession planning;
— outplacement and retirement planning.
0.6 Organization of ISO 10667
To build an efficient standard, useful to both the client and the Service provider, the assessment process has been divided into four stages
— agreement procedures;
— pre-assessnient procedures;
— assessment delivery;
— post-assessment review,
This part of ISO 10667 addresses the requirements applicable to a client who determines that It has a need for one or more assessments for use in the employment life cycle, and then seeks to obtain such assessment services from a service provider whom it selects. ISO 10667-2 addresses the requirements applicable to a service provider from whom a client seeks recommendations about what assessments might meet its needs, and then provides assessment services to a client once it is selected based on those recommendations.
ISO 10667 covers procedures and methods for the following types of assessment.
a) Individual level assessment. Examples include interviews. career guidance. in-depth senior executive coaching. personal development, selection, success.on planning.
b) Group level assessrneflt, Examples include improving team morale and performance assessment aimed at improving the performance of the team as a whole.
c) Organizational level assessment Examples include employee satisfaction (data reported at organizational level), culture change due to merger or acquisition, employee engagement levels of organizational business units
ISO 10667 covers delivery of assessments that occur across the employment life cycle.
Aspects of the employment life cycle can be described in terms of:
— recruitment and selection;
— careertvocational guidance;
— mid-life career change or re-integration into me workforce;
— personal development and coaching;
— promotion and succession planning;
— outplacement and retirement planning.
0.6 Organization of ISO 10667
To build an efficient standard, useful to both the client and the Service provider, the assessment process has been divided into four stages
— agreement procedures;
— pre-assessnient procedures;
— assessment delivery;
— post-assessment review,
This part of ISO 10667 addresses the requirements applicable to a client who determines that It has a need for one or more assessments for use in the employment life cycle, and then seeks to obtain such assessment services from a service provider whom it selects. ISO 10667-2 addresses the requirements applicable to a service provider from whom a client seeks recommendations about what assessments might meet its needs, and then provides assessment services to a client once it is selected based on those recommendations.