ISO/TR 9464:2008 pdf download.Guidelines for the use of ISO 5167:2003.
Any manufacturers specification of error should be studied carefully to ensure that the limits of error are known at the measured value concerned. Some points to note include the following:
a) uncertainties are often expressed as a percentage of full scale or range:
b) uncertainties are often defined at specified reference conditions. Mditional uncertainties may arise when
operating conditions differ from reference conditions,
5.2 Guidance specific to the use of ISO 51 67-2:2003
5.2.1 Scope
This part of ISO 5157:2003 is concerned solely with orifice plates and their geometry and installation. It is necessary to read ISO 5167-2 In conjunction with ISO 5167-1.
Orifice plate meters with three arrangements of tappings are described and specified: flange tappings; corner tappings; and 1) and 1)2 tappings.
5.2.2 Normative references
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5.2.3 Terms, definitions and symbols
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5.2.4 PrInciples of the method of measurement and computation
The density and viscosity of the fluid cen be measured (see 6,4) or calculated (see Annex B) from the gas composition. A number of computer programs are available for carrying out the calculation of density and viscosity. In the case of a compressible fluid, the isentropic exponent at working conditions is necessary for the flow calculation and this can be calculated from gas composition.
52.5 Orifice plates Description General
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a) uncertainties are often expressed as a percentage of full scale or range:
b) uncertainties are often defined at specified reference conditions. Mditional uncertainties may arise when
operating conditions differ from reference conditions,
5.2 Guidance specific to the use of ISO 51 67-2:2003
5.2.1 Scope
This part of ISO 5157:2003 is concerned solely with orifice plates and their geometry and installation. It is necessary to read ISO 5167-2 In conjunction with ISO 5167-1.
Orifice plate meters with three arrangements of tappings are described and specified: flange tappings; corner tappings; and 1) and 1)2 tappings.
5.2.2 Normative references
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5.2.3 Terms, definitions and symbols
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5.2.4 PrInciples of the method of measurement and computation
The density and viscosity of the fluid cen be measured (see 6,4) or calculated (see Annex B) from the gas composition. A number of computer programs are available for carrying out the calculation of density and viscosity. In the case of a compressible fluid, the isentropic exponent at working conditions is necessary for the flow calculation and this can be calculated from gas composition.
52.5 Orifice plates Description General
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