BS EN ISO 15710:2006 pdf download

BS EN ISO 15710:2006 pdf download.Paints and varnishes——Corrosion testing byalternate immersion inand removal from a buffered sodium chloride solution.

8.2 Preparation and coatIng of panels
Unless otherwtse specified, prepare each test panel in accordance with ISO 1514 and then coat it by the specified method with the product or system under test.
Unless otherwise specified, the back and edges of the panel shall be coated with the product or system under test.
If the coating on the back and edges of the panel differs from that of the product under test, it shall not contain corrosion-Inhibiting ingredients (Le. It shall be an inert coating) and it shall have a Corrosion resistance greater than that of the product under test
8.3 DryIng and conditIoning
Dry (or stove) and age (if applicable) each coated test panel for the specified time under the specified conditions, and then, unless ottierwse specified, condition them at a temperature and relative humidity as defined in ISO 3270 for at least 16 h, with free circulation of air and without exposing them to direct sunlight. The test procedure shall then be carried out as soon as possible.
8.4 Dry film thickness
Determine the thIckness. In micronleires, of the dned coating by one of the non-destructive procedures described in ISO 2808.