ISO 4665:2006 pdf download.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic —Resistance to weathering.
6 Exposure to laboratory light sources
Carry out the exposure in accordance with ISO 4892.1 and, as relevant, ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-3 or ISO 48924, with the following additions and modihcations:
For tests under strain, prepare the test pieces and place them under strain in accordance with ISO 1431-1
It is recommended that one or more of the weathering reference materials described in Annex A be used as a control, the material selected depending on the type of rubber compound under test. The effects of natural weathering on these materials in a range of climates are detailed in References Lii and (2] ii the Bibliography.
Condition the test pieces in accordance with ISO 23529.
NOTE I The general guidence on weathering of p4astics given in ISO 4892-1 is applicable to nibbem.
NOTE 2 In general, an open-flame caibon-arc tamp is not recommended because ills not representative of suright.
7 Changes in colour
7.1 Apparatus
7.1.1 Instrumental assessment
Use a colour or colour change apparatus meeting the requirements described in ISO 7724-1. ISO 7724-2 and
ISO 7724-3.
7.1.2 VIsual assessment
Use the grey scale in accordance with ISO 105-A02.
7.2 Test piece
The test piece shall be in any form which allows sufficient flat area for the determrnation of colour change.
NOTE Ills convenient to use a test piece required for the detrminat.on of change in physical properbes
7.3 Procedure
7.3.1 General
The choice of instrumental or visual assessment of colour change shall be made by agreement between the
interested parties
7.3.2 Instrumental assessment
Measure the colour of the test piece before and after each exposure stage In accordance with the procedure given in ISO 7724-1, ISO 7724-2 and 150 7724-3, If required, also measure the colour of a file test piece or a masked area.
Carry out the exposure in accordance with ISO 4892.1 and, as relevant, ISO 4892-2, ISO 4892-3 or ISO 48924, with the following additions and modihcations:
For tests under strain, prepare the test pieces and place them under strain in accordance with ISO 1431-1
It is recommended that one or more of the weathering reference materials described in Annex A be used as a control, the material selected depending on the type of rubber compound under test. The effects of natural weathering on these materials in a range of climates are detailed in References Lii and (2] ii the Bibliography.
Condition the test pieces in accordance with ISO 23529.
NOTE I The general guidence on weathering of p4astics given in ISO 4892-1 is applicable to nibbem.
NOTE 2 In general, an open-flame caibon-arc tamp is not recommended because ills not representative of suright.
7 Changes in colour
7.1 Apparatus
7.1.1 Instrumental assessment
Use a colour or colour change apparatus meeting the requirements described in ISO 7724-1. ISO 7724-2 and
ISO 7724-3.
7.1.2 VIsual assessment
Use the grey scale in accordance with ISO 105-A02.
7.2 Test piece
The test piece shall be in any form which allows sufficient flat area for the determrnation of colour change.
NOTE Ills convenient to use a test piece required for the detrminat.on of change in physical properbes
7.3 Procedure
7.3.1 General
The choice of instrumental or visual assessment of colour change shall be made by agreement between the
interested parties
7.3.2 Instrumental assessment
Measure the colour of the test piece before and after each exposure stage In accordance with the procedure given in ISO 7724-1, ISO 7724-2 and 150 7724-3, If required, also measure the colour of a file test piece or a masked area.