ISO 5700:2006 pdf download

ISO 5700:2006 pdf download.Tractors for agriculture and forestry、Roll-over protective structures (ROPS)—Static test method and acceptance onditions.

6 Preparation of tractor and ROPS for testing
6.1 The roll-over protective structure shall be manufactured to production specifications and shall be fitted to the appropriate tractor model chassis in accordance with the manufacturer’s dedared attachment method.
6.2 The assembly shall be secured to the bedplate so that the members connecting the assembly and the bedplate do not deflect significantly in relation to the ROPS under loading The assembly shall not receive any support under loading other than that due to the initial attachment.
6.3 A track width setting for the rear wheels, if present, shall be chosen such that there is no interference with the ROPS during testing.
The assembly shall be supported and secured or modified so that all lhe test energy is absorbed by the ROPS and its attachment to the tractor’s ngid components.
6.4 All detachable windows, panels and removable non-structural fittings shall be removed so that they do not contnbute to the strength of the ROPS.
In cases where it is possible to fix doors and windows open or remove them during work, they shall be either removed or fixed open for the test, so that they do not add to the strength of the ROPS. It shall be noted whether, in this position, they would create a hazard for the driver in the event of overtuming.
6.5 The ROPS shal be instrumented with the necessary equipment to obtain lhe required force-deflection
7 Test procedures
CAUTION — Some of the tests specified In this International Standard involve the use of processes whIch could lead to a hazardous situation.
7.1 Sequence of tests
7.1.1 The test shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures given in a) to e) in the sequence as given.
a) First longitudinal loading
For a tractor with at least 50 % of its tractor mass on the rear wheels, the longitudinal loading shall be applied from the rear. For other tractors the longitudinal loading shall be applied from the front.