ISO 12743:2006 pdf download

ISO 12743:2006 pdf download.Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates -Sampling procedures for determination of metal and moisture content.

proportional division
method of division in which the retained portions from individual increments or subsamptes are a constant proportion of their original mass
nonselective operation without division such as sample transfer, drying, comminution or homogenization
sample processing
whole sequence of selection and preparation operations which transforms a stage sample into a test sample
Operation of reicing particle size by crushing, grinding or pulvensation
stage i sample
sample obtained at the s’tii stage of the sampling scheme
moisture sample
representative quantity of concentrate from which test portions are taken for moisture determination
NOTE Alternatively, the whole moisture sample may be dried to determine its moisture content
laboratory sample
sample that is processed so that it can be sent to the laboratory and used for further processing and selection of one or more test samples for analysis
common sample
representative quantity 01 concentrate which is dried to determine its mass toss and subsequently used for further processing and selection of one or more test samples for chemical analysis
test sample
representative quantity of concentrate obtained from a laboratory sample when additional preparation, such as drying or hygroscopic moisture determination, is needed pror to the selection of one or more lest pornons
test portIon
representative quantity of concentrate taken from a moisture sample, a laboratory sample or a test sample which is submitted to moisture determination or analysis in its entirety
systematic sampling
selection of Increments in which the concentrate being sampled is divided into equal strata and the Inst increment is taken at random within the first stratum, the interval between subsequent increments being equal to the stratum size.