ISO 14245:2006 pdf download.Gas cylinders -Specifications and testing of LPG cylinder valves —Self-closing.
cylinder valve
valve designed for use in one or more of the following applications: liquid filling, liquid service, vapour service. liqiad level indication
external tightness
resistance to leakage through the valve body to or from the atmosphere, when the valve is open
Internal tightness
resistance to leakage across the valve seat, or other internal sealing components. when the valve Is closed
eduction tube
lube fitted to the valve to allow withdrawal of liquid LPG with the cylinder in its normal operating position
fixed liquid level gauge
control device, such as a dip tube in combination with a vent valve, to verify that the predetermined marimum liquid level in a cyhdder has been reached or surpassed
liquid level Indicator
control device, such as a foal gauge, permitting the gauging of the liquid level in the cylinder
valve body
major valve component including valve stem and/or valve outlet and, where applicable, the provision for other optional components
excess flow device flow limiter
device designed to close or partially close when the flow of liquid or vapour passing through it exceeds a predetermined value and to re-open when the pressure differential across the valve has been restored below a certain value
non.return valve
valve designed to close automaticaly to restrict reverse flow
vapourlliquid dual valve
valve designed to allow vapour and liquid withdrawal from a cylinder in its normal operating position
sealing element
element used to provide internal leak tightness
valve stem
section of the valve body which connects to the cylinder
valve outlet
section of the valve body to which a regulator or connector can be fitted for vapour or liquid withdrawal
NOTE The valve outlet also normally used for fllng the cylinder.
cylinder valve
valve designed for use in one or more of the following applications: liquid filling, liquid service, vapour service. liqiad level indication
external tightness
resistance to leakage through the valve body to or from the atmosphere, when the valve is open
Internal tightness
resistance to leakage across the valve seat, or other internal sealing components. when the valve Is closed
eduction tube
lube fitted to the valve to allow withdrawal of liquid LPG with the cylinder in its normal operating position
fixed liquid level gauge
control device, such as a dip tube in combination with a vent valve, to verify that the predetermined marimum liquid level in a cyhdder has been reached or surpassed
liquid level Indicator
control device, such as a foal gauge, permitting the gauging of the liquid level in the cylinder
valve body
major valve component including valve stem and/or valve outlet and, where applicable, the provision for other optional components
excess flow device flow limiter
device designed to close or partially close when the flow of liquid or vapour passing through it exceeds a predetermined value and to re-open when the pressure differential across the valve has been restored below a certain value
non.return valve
valve designed to close automaticaly to restrict reverse flow
vapourlliquid dual valve
valve designed to allow vapour and liquid withdrawal from a cylinder in its normal operating position
sealing element
element used to provide internal leak tightness
valve stem
section of the valve body which connects to the cylinder
valve outlet
section of the valve body to which a regulator or connector can be fitted for vapour or liquid withdrawal
NOTE The valve outlet also normally used for fllng the cylinder.