ISO 16106:2006 pdf download

ISO 16106:2006 pdf download.Packaging - Transport packages for dangerous goods - Dangerous goods packagings, intermediate bulk containers(IBCs) and large packagings - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001.

Monltonng and measurement of the manufactured packagings. BCe and large packagings should lnckide (as a mlnioum) the ltemsielements given In C.1
Conformity with the approved performance levels of packaging, IBC and large packaging design types should be verified periodically as specified In a test plan or procedixe (including frequency and acceptance limits) to confirm the continuing ability of the manufactunng process to satisfy its Intended purpose.
NOTE 1 See 6.1.5, 65 4 and 66 501 the UN Model Regulations for the relevant regatory requirements. NOTE 2 See Annex D for examples of typical frequencies for the venfication of confonnity.
Performance test conditions should be specifled For the execution of the performance tests listed in C.4 and CS, the design type performance test requirements should be met.
NOTE 3 For the purpose of production monitoring, the test conditions may differ from the design type test requirements and may be restncled to comparisons with previous test resiits,
NOTE 4 The monitoring and measurement of product can so be used to demonstrate compliance with, and of the UN Model Regulations. For this purpose, performance tests at random may be performed on production samples at intervals agreed with the competent authority.
8.3 Control of nonconforming product
The management system requirements of ISO 9001:2000. 8.3 apply.
If controls have previously shown noncontomiites during production. appropnate measures, such as final Inspection of the complete lot, or performance testing at a higher frequency, should be carned out in context with corrective/preventive actions.
NOTE Corrective actions can be stject to the agreement of the competent authority.
8.4 Analyses of data
The management system requwemenis of ISO 9001:2000. 8.4 apply.
8.5 Improvement
The management system requiements of ISO 9001:2000. 8.5 apply.
NOTE In order to achieve conformity with the approved desigr type specifications, the procedures for corrective action may require agreement ntth the competent authority.