ISO 16234:2006 pdf download

ISO 16234:2006 pdf download.Heavy commercial vehicles and buses —Straight-ahead braking on surfaces withsplit coefficient of friction -Open-loop test method.

7.3.3 Loading conditions
Tests may be performed at the minimum. maximijn or other loading conditions as specified in
ISO 15037-2:2002.
7.3.4 Condition of the brakes
Prior to testing, the brakes of the test vehicle shall be burnished. The method of burnishing the brakes shall be
reported in Annex A.
The brakes of the test vehicle shaN not be contaminated with foreign material.
NOTE If brake burrishing o testing are onnducted on roads that have been treated with salt or other mateflals for
melting ice, dust from the dried material may be present in the brakes and may change their friction properties.
8 Test method
8.1 ConditIon and temperature of the brakes
The user shall identify an acceptable range for initial brake temperature. Prior to each individual run, the brakes shall be warmed up or allowed to cool as required such that the initial brake temperatures are within this range. The initial temperature of the brakes shall be reported in the General Data (Annex A>.
NOTE Typical initial temperatures of disc brakes are from 50 C to 200 C and for drum brakes from 50 C to 150 C.
8.2 Initial driving conditions
The initial driving conditions for the test shall be driving straight ahead as specified in ISO 15037-2:2002 wIth
the addition that the steering wheel be held fixed within ± 3 during the time interval from t to 2’
For safety reasons, the first test runs should be conducted with an initial longitudinal velocity of 30 kmTh. The initial longitudinal velocity. of subsequent tests should be increased in increments of 10 km/h up to the maxwnum velocity of interest.
8.3 Performance of the braking procedure
The test track should be approached In such a way that the border between high- and low-fncbon surfaces is located in the X-Z plane of symmetry of the vehicle.