IS0 22896:2006 pdf download

IS0 22896:2006 pdf download.Road vehicles -Deployment and sensorbus for occupant safety systems.

For an asyvnrnetncal daisy-chain configuration, each slave shall be directly connected to Bus-A. Bus-B shall be routed through a switch in each slave (see Figure 3). These daisy-chain switches shall split the bus into bus sections Single switches can be opened in order to shut down individual bus sections, which can be used for the following:
in-car address programming, where slaves are idenhfied by their position in the daisy-chain (see Annex A):
recovery from Bus-A to Bus-B shorts (see 6.64.3), where the faulty bus section is switched off.
For a symmetrical daisy-chain configuration, each slave shall switch Bus-B and insert an element Into Bus-A. Ideally, the on-resistance of the switch and the resistance of the element should be identical, in order to keep the balance of the bus voltage behind the daisy-chain slave. Symmetrical daisy-chain configurations shouki be chosen when the bus is run permanently at high speed.
In a daisy-chain configuration, the wires may be routed in a bus or ring structure (see also Between two daisy-chain slaves, parallel slaves may be connected in a bus or tree structure.
Daisy-chain slaves shall be polarized with respect to the exchange of Bus-A with Bus-B. For operation in a ring, they shall not b€ polarized with respect to the exchange of switch input with switch output.