ISO 24013:2006 pdf download.Optics and photonics-Lasers andlaser-related equipment-Measurement of phase retardation of optical components for polarized laser radiation.
6.2 Laser beam preparation
The accuracy of the measurement is strongly influenced by a dear definition of the state of polarization of the laser beam. Therefore it is necessary to prepare the polarization state of the probe beam (lineaily or cecularly) carefully.
It the expected phase retardation is near ,r12. a linearly polarized beam shall be used. The quantity (1 — p), where ,‘ is the degree of linear polanzation. shall be less than 10 . This shall be verified by using the analyser without the sample in the beam path.
NOTE 1 Such a state of polarization can be achieved by using a linearly polarized laser beam m combinahon with additional polarizing elements,
If the expected phase retardation is near zero, a circularly polarized beam shall be used. The degree of linear polarization p shall be less than iO. This shall be verified by using the analyser without the sample in the beam path.
NOTE 2 Such a slate of polarization can be achieved by using a biearty polarized laser beam ii combination with additional bea,ty polanzing elements and a iI2 phase retarc5ng element.
All optical elements shall not increase the quantity (1 -p) in the case of a linearly polarized beam and ‘ in the case of a circularly polarized beam, by more than 10 . For this reason the use of folding mirrors in the test setup is discouraged and all other optical elements shall be used under normal incidence.
6.3 Sample adjustment and system calibration
6.3.1 Reflective samples
The sample shall be mounted very accurately at the angle of IncIdence according to the manufacturers specification The deviation from the intended angle of use shall be less than 2 mrad. For this purpose the component shell be mounted on a precision rotary stage. Back reflecting the laser beam into the laser cavity defines the normal Incidence.
The accuracy of the measurement is strongly influenced by a dear definition of the state of polarization of the laser beam. Therefore it is necessary to prepare the polarization state of the probe beam (lineaily or cecularly) carefully.
It the expected phase retardation is near ,r12. a linearly polarized beam shall be used. The quantity (1 — p), where ,‘ is the degree of linear polanzation. shall be less than 10 . This shall be verified by using the analyser without the sample in the beam path.
NOTE 1 Such a state of polarization can be achieved by using a linearly polarized laser beam m combinahon with additional polarizing elements,
If the expected phase retardation is near zero, a circularly polarized beam shall be used. The degree of linear polarization p shall be less than iO. This shall be verified by using the analyser without the sample in the beam path.
NOTE 2 Such a slate of polarization can be achieved by using a biearty polarized laser beam ii combination with additional bea,ty polanzing elements and a iI2 phase retarc5ng element.
All optical elements shall not increase the quantity (1 -p) in the case of a linearly polarized beam and ‘ in the case of a circularly polarized beam, by more than 10 . For this reason the use of folding mirrors in the test setup is discouraged and all other optical elements shall be used under normal incidence.
6.3 Sample adjustment and system calibration
6.3.1 Reflective samples
The sample shall be mounted very accurately at the angle of IncIdence according to the manufacturers specification The deviation from the intended angle of use shall be less than 2 mrad. For this purpose the component shell be mounted on a precision rotary stage. Back reflecting the laser beam into the laser cavity defines the normal Incidence.