AS ISO 15472:2006 pdf download.Surface chemical analysis——X-ray photoelectron spectrometers—Calibration of energy scales.
5.3 Cleaning the samples
5.3.1 Achieve ultra-high vacuum and clean the samples by Ion sputtenng to reduce the contamination until the heights of the oxygen and carton is signals are each less than 2 % of the height of the most intense metal peak in each survey spectrum. Record a survey (widescan) spectrum tor each of the samples to ensure that the only significant peaks are those of the required pure elements. The quality of vacuum necessary here is such that the oxygen and carton is peak heights shall not exceed 3% of the heights ot the most intense metal peaks by the time you have reached completion of 5.10 or at the end of the working day (whichever is the earlier),
NOTE! Ineil-gas ion-aputteflng conc*tions flat have been found suitable for cleaning are 1 mm of a 30 pA beam of 5 key argon ions covering I cm2 0! the sample.
NOTE 2 Example XPS spectra may be found In references (4J to 181 of the bibliography.
5.32 Try to conduct all relevant parts of this Inlernalional Standard in ono working day. If more than one day is
required, confirm the cleanness of the samples at the start of each days work.
5.4 Choosing the spectrometer settings for which energy calibration Is required
Choose the spectrometer operating settings for which the energy calibration is required. The calibration procedure from 5.4 to 5.13 shall be repeated for each X-ray source and combination of spectrometer settings of pass energy, retardation ratio, slits, lens settings, etc., for which a calibration is required Record the values of these settings In the spectrometer calibration log.
5.3.1 Achieve ultra-high vacuum and clean the samples by Ion sputtenng to reduce the contamination until the heights of the oxygen and carton is signals are each less than 2 % of the height of the most intense metal peak in each survey spectrum. Record a survey (widescan) spectrum tor each of the samples to ensure that the only significant peaks are those of the required pure elements. The quality of vacuum necessary here is such that the oxygen and carton is peak heights shall not exceed 3% of the heights ot the most intense metal peaks by the time you have reached completion of 5.10 or at the end of the working day (whichever is the earlier),
NOTE! Ineil-gas ion-aputteflng conc*tions flat have been found suitable for cleaning are 1 mm of a 30 pA beam of 5 key argon ions covering I cm2 0! the sample.
NOTE 2 Example XPS spectra may be found In references (4J to 181 of the bibliography.
5.32 Try to conduct all relevant parts of this Inlernalional Standard in ono working day. If more than one day is
required, confirm the cleanness of the samples at the start of each days work.
5.4 Choosing the spectrometer settings for which energy calibration Is required
Choose the spectrometer operating settings for which the energy calibration is required. The calibration procedure from 5.4 to 5.13 shall be repeated for each X-ray source and combination of spectrometer settings of pass energy, retardation ratio, slits, lens settings, etc., for which a calibration is required Record the values of these settings In the spectrometer calibration log.