AS ISO 17560:2006 pdf download

AS ISO 17560:2006 pdf download.Surface chemical analysis-Secondary-ion mass spectrometry-Method for depth profiling of boron in silicon.

A.1 Introduction
The stylus profilonietry technqe used was subjected to an inlerlaboratory test programme involving 20 laboratories. A reference material having three types of groove for depth scale calibration was measured. Repeatability and reproducibility were calculated in accordance with the principles of ISO 57252f3l.
A.2 Design of test programme
Each participating laboratory was asked to measure the depths of three grooves and report three independent results,
A.3 Tesi specimen
The test specimen used was a commercially available depth scale standard, The certified values of groove depth on the specimen were 2.33 jam (level 1). 0.27 tim (level 2) and 0.029 jam (leval 3). The specimen was passed from one laboratory to the next.
A.4 Procedure of stylus measurement
The depths of grooves were measured using stylus protilometry by each participant, in accordance with the manufacturers Instructions or a local documented procedure. Each groove was measured three times.
A.5 Statistical procedures
A.5.1 Scrutiny for consistency and outliers
Cochran’s test, Grubb’s test and the graphical consistency technque were applied independently to the data in accordance with 15<) 5725-2. An outlier indicated by all the tests was excluded from the analysis of the level 3 specimen.
A.5.2 Computation of repeatability and reproducibility
The number of laboratories completing the test programme was 20 tr the 2,33 jim and 0,27 jim grooves and 15 for the 0,029 jim groove (an outlier was excluded). The results from each laboratory were processed in accordance with ISO 5725-2 to give the mean value, within-laboratory variance and between-laboratory variance. The corresponding repeatability and reproducibility were calculated.