AS lSO 18115:2006 pdf download

AS lSO 18115:2006 pdf download.Surface chemical analysis—Vocabulary.

decay length, leading edge
value of the decay length for an increasing signal intensity as a function of depth prior to a maximum
NOTE This term is mainly used ri the SIMS depth profiling of delta layers. It Is also used in AES and XPS sputter depth profiles
decay length, trailing edge
value of the decay length for a decreasing signal intensity as a function of depth following a maximum
NOTE This term is mainly used m tPe SIMS depth profiling of delta layers It is also used in AES and XPS sputter depth pi-ollIes
degree of Ionization
ionization coefficient (deprecated)
(SIMS, FABMS> quotient of the number ot ions of a species emitted by the number of sputtered particles of that species
delta layer
layer of discrete composition, one atom thick, formed dunng growth of material on a substrate
NOTE These films are often formed dunng epilaual growth on single orystal siMstrates.
depth distribution function, .mlsslon
ior a measured sgnai ol particles or radiation emitted from a surface) probability that the particle or radiation leaving the surface in a specified state and in a given direction, originated from a specified depth measured normally from the surface into the material
depth dIstribution function, excitation
probability that specified excitations are created at specified depths measured normaly from a surface into the material by a beam of specified particles or radiation incident on the surface in a given direction l’]
depth profiling
monitoring of signal intensity as a function of a variable that can be related to distance normal to the surface Cf. compositional depth profile
NOTE The signal inlensity is usually measured as a function of sputtenng time.
depth resolution
depth range over which a signal changes by a specified quantity when reconstructing the profile of an ideally sharp Interface between two media or a delta layer in one medium
NOTE The precise quantity to be used depends on the signal tunction with depth. However, for routine analytical use, a convention of the depth at an interface over wtiic*i the signal from an overtayer or a substrate d’ianges from 18% to 84% of their total vanation between ptateau values, is often used in AES and XPS.