BS EN ISO 13503-5:2006 pdf download

BS EN ISO 13503-5:2006 pdf download.Petroleum and naturalgas industries—— Completion fluids and materials — Part 5: Procedures for measuring the long-term conductivity of proppants.

5 Procedures for evaluating long-term proppant pack conductivity
5.1 Objective
The obiective Is to establish a standard test procedure, using a standard apparatus, under standard test conditions to evaluate the long-term conductivity of proppants under laboratory conditions. This procedure .s used to evaluate the conductivity of proppants under laboratory conditions but is not intended for use in obtaining absolute values of proppant pack oonduclIvities under downitote reservoir conditions. The effects of fines, formation hardness, resident fluids, time, and’or other factors are beyond the scope of this procedure.
5.2 Discussion
In this part of ISO 13503 procedure, a dosure stress Is applied across a test unit for 50 h ± 2 h to allow the proppant sample bed to reach a semi-steady state condition. As the fluid Is forced through the proppanl bed, the proppant pack width. dltlerential pressure, temperature and flow rates are measured at each stress level. Proppant pack permeability and conductivity are calculated.
Multiple flow rates are used to verify the performance of the transducers, and to determine darcy (low regime at each stress: an average of the data at these flow rates is reported. A minimum pressure drop of 0,01 kPa (0,002 0 psI) Is recommended: otherwise, flow rates shall be increased. At stipulated flow rates and temperature conditions, no appreciable non-darcy flow or inertial effects are encountered. After completing the rates at a closure stress level ii all cells, the closure stress is increased to a new level; 50 h ± 2 h is allowed for the proppant bed to reach a semi-sleacty state condition, and multiple flow rates in all cells are introduced to gather data rectuired to determine proppant pack conductivity at this stress level. The procedure is repeated until all desired closure stresses and flow rates have been evaluated. To achieve accurate conductivity measurements, It Is essential that single-phase flow occurs.