BS EN ISO 17201-2:2006 pdf download

BS EN ISO 17201-2:2006 pdf download.Acoustics —Noise from shooting ranges— Part 2: Estimation of muzzle blast and projectile sound by calculation.

4.4 EstImation of the Weber energy
The part on the right of Figure 2 shows the flow chart used to determine the Webei’ energy, Ow, which is the
energy density 01 a Weber source with the Weber radius oil m.
4.5 EstImation of directlvity
Fo rotational symmetric radlatn around the line ol lire, the directional pattern of the source Is described by a Fourier-series with respect to the angIe a relative to the hne of tire, If the directivity pattern. c, is not known, the matrix shown as Equation (6) in Figure 2 gIves a list of default values (or some weapons. Applying the directivity. V. to 0e In Equation (ID) In Figure 2 yields (tie energy that flows through the slice, including the directional pattern ol itie source.
4.6 Estimation of the spectrum
The next two steps in Equations (11) and (12) in Figure 2 use an acoustical model 01 explosions in air which allows an estimation of the Fourier-spectrum of the angular source energy distribution, where a is the direction as described in the Annex A. see also Reference 181. The default values are validated model parameters and should only be changed it relevant infoi-mation is available. The integral in Equation (12) should be integrated numerically: there Is no known analytical solution This estimation method should not be used for the prediction of peak pressure values or swnilar quantities.