BS ISO 856:2006 pdf download

BS ISO 856:2006 pdf download.Oil of peppermint(Mentha x piperita L.).

BS ISO 856 specifiescertaincharacteristicsoftheoilofpeppermint(Mentha × piperita L.), with a view tofacilitateassessment of its quality.
NOTEAs it is difficult to differentiate the specificationof peppermint oils (Mentha × piperita L.) from differentorigins,they have been regrouped in this InternationalStandard. The following origins have been taken intoconsideration: USA,United Kingdom,France,ltaly,Indiaand China.
Normative references
The followingreferenceddocumentsareindispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies.For undated references,the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments)applies.
ISO/TR 210,Essential oils — General rules forpackaging, conditioning and storage
ISO/TR 211,Essential oils — General rules forlabeling and marking of containers
ISO 212,Essential oils—Sampling
ISO 279,Essential oils - Determination of relativedensity at 20 C- Reference method
ISO 280,Essentialoils-Determinationofrefractive index
ISO 592,Essential oils — Determination of opticalrotation
ISO 875,Essential oils — Evaluation of miscibility inethanol
ISO 1242,Essential oils — Determination of acidvalue
ISO 11024-1,Essential oils — General guidance onchromatographic profiles —Part 1: Preparation ofchromatographic' profiles for presentation in standards.