ISO 9712:2005 pdf download

ISO 9712:2005 pdf download.Non-destructive testing --Qualification and certification of personnel.

NDT training
process of instruction in theory arid practice In the NDT method in wNch certification is sought, WhiCh takes the form ol training courses to a syllabus approved by the certification body, but which does not Include the use of the specimens used in qualifititinn examinations
operating authorization
written statement issued by the employer, based upon the scope of certification, authorizing the individual to carry out defined tasks
NOTE Such authonzabon can be dependent on the provision of job-speofic training.
demonstration of physical attributes, knowiedge. skill, training and experience required to property perform NOT tasks
particular section of industry or technology where specialized NDT practices are used, requiring specific product-related knowledge, skill, equipment or training
NOTE A sector can be interpreted to mean a product (welded products, castings) or an industry (aerospace, in-service testing). See Mnex A.
significant Interruption
absence or change of activity which prevents the certified individual from practising the duties corresponding to the level in the method and the sector(s) within the certified scope, for either a continuous period In excess of one year or two or more periods for a total time exceeding two years
NOTE Legal holidays or periods of sickness or courses of less than thirty days are not taken into account when calculating the interruptIon.
document stating requirements
sample used in practical examinations, possibly including radiographs and data sets, preferably representative of products typically tested in the applicable sector
NOTE It can include more than one area or vokime to be tested.