ISO 1926:2005 pdf download.Rigid cellular plastics -Determination of tensile properties.
5.2 Preparation and conditioning
Remove any moulding skin from the test specimens. trimming their surtaces with a mechanicat saw and, ii necessary, machining them, but without modifying the structure,
When necessary, mark the test specimens so as to indicate their orientation in relation to the cbrecbon of anisotropy.
Condition the test specimens either in accordance with the requirements of ISO 291 for a period of not less than 24 h or in accordance with the relevant material specification.
5.3 Number of test specimens
The test shall be carhed out on at least five test specimens; any test specimens which break outside the extensometer gauge length shall be rejected and, it necessary, the rimber of test specimens subjected to the test shall be increased so that the number of significant results is not less than five
II it is necessary to use more than seven test specimens to obtain five valid reacbngs, use the method described in Clause 8.
6 Procedure (general method)
Carry out the test In a room in which the atmosphere Is maintained at one of the sets of conditions defined in ISO 291.
Remove any moulding skin from the test specimens. trimming their surtaces with a mechanicat saw and, ii necessary, machining them, but without modifying the structure,
When necessary, mark the test specimens so as to indicate their orientation in relation to the cbrecbon of anisotropy.
Condition the test specimens either in accordance with the requirements of ISO 291 for a period of not less than 24 h or in accordance with the relevant material specification.
5.3 Number of test specimens
The test shall be carhed out on at least five test specimens; any test specimens which break outside the extensometer gauge length shall be rejected and, it necessary, the rimber of test specimens subjected to the test shall be increased so that the number of significant results is not less than five
II it is necessary to use more than seven test specimens to obtain five valid reacbngs, use the method described in Clause 8.
6 Procedure (general method)
Carry out the test In a room in which the atmosphere Is maintained at one of the sets of conditions defined in ISO 291.