ISO 2063:2005 pdf download

ISO 2063:2005 pdf download.Thermal spraying - Metallic and other inorganic coatings -Zinc, aluminium and their alloys.

6.2 Coating metal
The thermal spray material of zinc and zinc alloys or aluminium and aluminium alloys shall comply with EN ISO 14919, especially
— Zn 99,99 according to EN ISO 14919:2001 2.1;
— Zn Al15 according to EN ISO 14919:2001, 2.3;
— Al 99,5 according to EN ISO 14919:2001. 3,2;
— Al Mg5 according to EN ISO 14919:2001. 3.3.
6.3 Thermal sprayIng
The thermal spraying shall be carried out after the surface has been prepared by abrasive blasting, within a period that ensures that the prepared surface is still clean, dry and not visibly oxidized, when spraying commences. This lime delay shall be as short as possible and typically less than 4 h. depending on local conditions.
Spraying shall nOt be carried out under conditions leading to condensation of humidity on the surface to be spi’ayea and the surface shall be maintained at a temperature of at least 3 C above the dew-point to avoid blistering.
If deterioration of the surface to be coated is observed, any affected weas shall be prepared again to bring them to the required quality (see 61).
6.4 Sealing
The purpose of sealing is to reduce inherent porosity of the sprayed coating.
Natural seating can be achieved by oxidation of the metallic coating under normal environmental exposure conditions when resulting oxides, hydroxides andlor basic salts are not soluble in this environment.
Artificial sealing can be achieved either by chemical conversion of the metallic coating surface (by phosphaling. reactive painting, elc) cx by applying an appropriate sealant to seal any porosity The sealant shall be applied before the coating can take up any moisture
6.5 Painting
Painting of sealed metallic coatings may be done either for aesthetic reasons or to extend the service life of the protective system. In the case of corrosion protection of steel structures the system and the paint system shall apply according to EN ISO 129445:1998, Table A.10.