ISO 2878:2005 pdf download.Rubber - Antistatic and conductive products -Determination of electrical resistance.
4.1 Test Instruments
The test shall be made with an instrument having a nominal open circuit voltage of 500 V DC. preferably an insulation tester (ohmmeter), or with any suitable instrument known to give comparable results.
The instrument shall be sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance to within 10 % and shall not dissipate more than 3W in the product.
The resistance values obtained will vary with the applied voltage, and errors may occur when low test voltages are Involved. In cases of dispute, the voltage applied to the product shall be not less than 40 V, except where this conflicts with the requirement not to dissipate more than 3W in the test piece.
4.2 Electrodes and contacts
Unless otherwise specified In the product standard, electrodes shall be formed on the surface by means of a conductive silver lacquer, colloidal graphite or a conductive hquid of the following composition:
— anhytirous polyethylene glycol (of molecular mass 600): 800 parts by mass; water 200 parts by mass;
— any suitable wetting agent: 1 part by mass;
— potassium chloride: ID parts by mass.
When a conductive liquid Is used, the electrode contact area shall be completely wetted and shall remain so until the end of the test.
The conductive silver lacquer or collo.dal graphite shall be dried in air at standard laboratory temperature: the surface resistivity of the dried film shall be below 100 ti.
Clean metal contacts shall be applied to the electrodes so that the contact area is approxwnately the same size as. but not greater than, the electrodes, except where otherwise stated.
The test shall be made with an instrument having a nominal open circuit voltage of 500 V DC. preferably an insulation tester (ohmmeter), or with any suitable instrument known to give comparable results.
The instrument shall be sufficiently accurate to determine the resistance to within 10 % and shall not dissipate more than 3W in the product.
The resistance values obtained will vary with the applied voltage, and errors may occur when low test voltages are Involved. In cases of dispute, the voltage applied to the product shall be not less than 40 V, except where this conflicts with the requirement not to dissipate more than 3W in the test piece.
4.2 Electrodes and contacts
Unless otherwise specified In the product standard, electrodes shall be formed on the surface by means of a conductive silver lacquer, colloidal graphite or a conductive hquid of the following composition:
— anhytirous polyethylene glycol (of molecular mass 600): 800 parts by mass; water 200 parts by mass;
— any suitable wetting agent: 1 part by mass;
— potassium chloride: ID parts by mass.
When a conductive liquid Is used, the electrode contact area shall be completely wetted and shall remain so until the end of the test.
The conductive silver lacquer or collo.dal graphite shall be dried in air at standard laboratory temperature: the surface resistivity of the dried film shall be below 100 ti.
Clean metal contacts shall be applied to the electrodes so that the contact area is approxwnately the same size as. but not greater than, the electrodes, except where otherwise stated.