ISO 18416:2015 pdf download

ISO 18416:2015 pdf download.Cosmetics - Microbiology—Detection of Candida albicans.

Note 1 to entry: The main characteristic for identification is the production of germ tube and/or pseudomycelium and chlamydospore when the test is performed following the method specified in this International Standard.
enrichment broth
non-selective liquid medium containing suitable neutralizers and/or dispersing agents and demonstrated to be suitable for the product under test
4 Principle
The first step of the procedure is to perform an enrichment by using a non-selective broth medium to increase the number of microorganisms without the risk of inhibition by the selective Ingredients that are present in selective/differential growth media.
The second step of the test (isolation) of the test is performed on a selective medium followed by identification tests.
The possible inhibition of microbial growth by the sample shall be neutralized to allow the detection of viable microorganisms.lll In all cases and whatever the methodology, the neutralization of the antimicrobial properties of the product shall be checked and demonstrated (see Clause 11).
5 Diluents and culture media
5.1 General
General instructions are given in ISO 21148. When water is mentioned in this International Standard, use distilled water or purified water as specified in ISO 21148.
The enrichment broth is used to disperse the sample and to increase the initial microbial population. It may contain neutralizers if the specimen to he tested has antimicrobial properties. The efficacy of the neutralization shall be demonstrated (see Clause 11). Information relative to suitable neutralizers is given in Annex B.
The enrichment broth (, or any of the ones listed in Annex A. is suitable for checking the presence of Cundida cilbicans in accordance with this International Standard provided that it has been demonstrated to be suitable in accordance with Clause 11.
Other diluents and culture media maybe used if it has been demonstrated that they are suitable for use.