ISO 20214:2015 pdf download.Space data and information transfer systems -Security architecture for space data systems.
Integrity is the process of ensuring that data has not undergone an unauthorized change either in transit or since ii was last verified. This can be achieved either as a byproduct of an enclyption process, by using a Message Authentication Code (MAC). or by using a Digital Signature.
Availability is thc means by which the timcly accssibility of a system by an authorwcd entity is assured. For example, it can be measured in uptime. This issue often manifests in mitigation against Denial-of-Service attacks, whether intended and malicious or accidental.
TRANSEC provides mechanisms for hiding the presence of the communications link andor preventing the link from being jammed. Thus TRANSEC dictates Physical Layer schemes for securing a link between two points. An example is use of spread spectrum or frequency hopping on an RF link. This should be addressed in a Communications View.
The System-specific Security Requirements Statement (SSRS) defines the minimum security requirements necessary for the system to be considered sufliciently secure for the intended mission. The above schemes describe different techniques and technologies for fulfilling an SSRS.
The technical implementations must be used in conjunction with written policies, or Security Operating Procedures (SECOP’S) which describe what is required both for the systems and the people that usc thcm. Proccdures. policies, rcquircmcnts. and other constraints will typically be addressed in an Enterprise View.
Availability is thc means by which the timcly accssibility of a system by an authorwcd entity is assured. For example, it can be measured in uptime. This issue often manifests in mitigation against Denial-of-Service attacks, whether intended and malicious or accidental.
TRANSEC provides mechanisms for hiding the presence of the communications link andor preventing the link from being jammed. Thus TRANSEC dictates Physical Layer schemes for securing a link between two points. An example is use of spread spectrum or frequency hopping on an RF link. This should be addressed in a Communications View.
The System-specific Security Requirements Statement (SSRS) defines the minimum security requirements necessary for the system to be considered sufliciently secure for the intended mission. The above schemes describe different techniques and technologies for fulfilling an SSRS.
The technical implementations must be used in conjunction with written policies, or Security Operating Procedures (SECOP’S) which describe what is required both for the systems and the people that usc thcm. Proccdures. policies, rcquircmcnts. and other constraints will typically be addressed in an Enterprise View.