ISO 20215:2015 pdf download

ISO 20215:2015 pdf download.Space data and information transfer systems -CCSDs cryptographic algorithms.

A ground network may support numerous, simultaneous space missions utilizing many support personnel. Likewise, a single ground station may support multiple missions, and several spacecraft might use the same communications frequencies (using spacecraft IDs or Internet Protocol addresses to demultiplex data streams). A single spacecraft might host instwments and experiment packages from various universities, corporations, space agencies. or countries. All of these separate entities may have individual security concerns and may require that their respective data or commands be protected but intermixed with others. The CCSDS cryptographic algorithms can be utilized by the missions to provide the required protections to avoid loss of data or total mission loss.
Confidentiality is defined as the assurance that information L not disclosed to unauthorized entities or processes. In other words, those who are not authorized are prevented from obtaining information from the protected data. Confidentiality can be accomplished by various physical mechanisms which prevent access to information: locks, guards, or gates. For communications systems, there are essentially two mechanisms: (1) transmission through a physically protected medium (e.g., wire encased in alarmed conduit) and (2) cryptography.