ISO 7240-10:2012 pdf download

ISO 7240-10:2012 pdf download.Fire detection and alarm systems —Part 10: Point-type flame detectors.

6.1.4 Tolerances Unless otherwise stated, the tolerances for the environmental test parameters shall be as given in the basic reference standards for the test. e.g. the relevant part of IEC 60068. If a specific tolerance or deviation limit is not specified in a requirement or test procedure, then a tolerance of ±5 % shall be applied.
6.1.5 DetermInation of response poInt PrincIple
The response pdnt shall be measured by exposing the detector to the radiation from a suitable flame source and determining the greatest distance at which the detector reliably produces an alarm condition within 30 s of being exposed to the radiation from the flame. Test apparatus The test apparatus shall be as described in Annex A. The design and construction of the apparatus and the surfaces surrounding the test area shall be such that no significant radiation from the source reaches the detector apart from that which has passed through the aperture. This means for example that there shall be no reflection of radiation from the walls or other parts of the apparatus and no spurious radiation from hot flue gases or hot surfaces around the bumer.
6.1.522 Throughout this test method, the detector shall be aligned relative to its optical axis and the distances relative to the plane of the detector sensing elements shall be measured. If the detector does not have a well defined optical axis, then the manufacturer shall nominate an optical axis for the purposes of this test method. The position of this axis relative to an easily identifiable plane on the detector shall be noted in the test report (see Clause 7). Similarly, if the detector sensing elements do not lie in a well defined plane, then the manufacturer shall nominate a plane for the purposes of this test method. The position of this plane relative to an easdy identifiable plane on the detector shall be noted in the test report (see Clause 7).