ISO 8178-9:2012 pdf download

ISO 8178-9:2012 pdf download.Reciprocating internal combustion engines— Exhaust emission measurement— Part 9: Test cycles and test procedures for test bed measurement of exhaust gass moke emissions from compression ignition engines operating under transient conditions.

7 Measurement equipment and accuracy
7.1 General
The following equipment shall be used for smoke tests on engines using dynamometers. This part of ISO 8178 does not contain details of pressure and temperature measuring equipment. Instead, only the accuracy requirements of such equipment necessary for conducting a smoke test are given in 7.4.
7.2 Dynamometer specification
An engne dynamometer with adequate characteristics to perform the test cycle as described in Annexes A and B shall be used. Test cycle linearity requirements apply only wtien tests have been conducted using an electric dynamometer. The Instrumentation for torque and speed measurement shall allow the measurement accuracy required for running the test cycle within the limits given in Annexes A and B Speed and torque shall be sampled at a frequency of at least I Hz. The accuracy of the measuring equipment shaH be such that the maximum tolerances of the figures given in Table 3 are not exceeded. Engine driven equipment that meets these requirements may be used instead of dynamometers.
7.3 Determination ot smoke
7.3.1 General
Trans*nt smoke tests must be conducted using opacimeter.type smokemeters. Three different types of opacimeters are allowed: in-line and end-of-line full-flow opacimeters and the partial-flow opacimeter. Specifications for the three types of opacimeters can be found in Clause 11 of this part of ISO 8178 and in Clauses 6 and 7 of ISO 11614:1999, Temperature correction has not been validated for transient tests, therefore, temperature correction of smoke results has not been included In this part of ISO 8178.